When does my Laptop / PC need repair?
There are many issues that can be solved by a savey operator at home. However, there are a number of situation where you should call a professional to help. Issues like your computer's running slow, your screen is blacking out, your laptop or PC has the dreaded BLUE SCREEN of doom, computer crashes, lost files or pictures, broken keyboards or keypads are just a few examples of when you should call for help.
Laptop / PC Repair
PC / Lap Service
Screen Repair
Keyboard Repair
Battery Replacement
Power Replacement
Windows Startup Repairs
Hardware Diagnostics
Hard Drive Replacement
Windows Update Repairs
Virus/Malware Control
Hardware Upgrades
Microsoft Office Support
Slow/Freezing Repairs
Data Backup Solutions
Do You Have One Of The Follow Issues?
If so we can help!
WiFi Setup & Support
Broadband Setup
Broadband Support
Network Security
WiFi Extensions
Wired Networks
Slow Internet Fixes
System Recovery
Hard Drive Recovery
Deleted File Recovery (Hard Drive / USB)
External Hard Drive Recovery
Backup Solutions

Data recovery

System Recovery
Hard Drive Recovery
Deleted File Recovery (Hard Drive / USB)
External Hard Drive Recovery
Backup Solutions